Senate Leadership



There are three branches of the Student Senate and are led by the Student Senate Speaker, 学生会主席, 以及USNH董事会代表. The speaker oversees the administrative functions of the Student Senate including the 学生活动费用委员会. 学生会主席负责制定政策, 参与校园社区活动, 监督 学生会主席的内阁. The USNH董事会代表 is responsible for representing UNH students in the USNH董事会.



学生会执行委员会批准学生会会议记录, 能在紧急情况下代替身体行动吗, 并通过决策和行政职能指导参议院.


  • Senate Speaker
  • 学生会主席
  • 学生会副主席
  • UNH本科生USNH董事会代表/受托人
  • 参议院议员
  • 参议院行政官员


Joseph Skehan



最古老的学生领导机构之一, 甚至早于参议院本身, 学生会主席(SBP)是学生会的领导, and acts as the primary spokesperson for student interests to the Administration, 州和地方政府, alumni, and other parties. 

学生会主席 has the exclusive right to sit and vote on any committee or body of the Administration, 并且积极地这样做. Currently, 学生会主席是几个机构的成员, 包括UNH校友会和空间分配, 适应与更新委员会(南盟).

学生会主席也是内阁的首脑, the members of which serve as the primary means of implementing the SBP's policy mandate.

学生会主席 is amongst the only three positions to be elected by the entire Student Body, alongside the 学生会副主席 and the University Student Board Representative. 

学生会主席... 代表本科生团体的合法声音. ~学生会章程

MJ Condon



学生会副主席是, 和学生会主席一起, 在UNH学生生活的最前沿. SBVP是SBP的主要助手, filling in for them in their absence and acting as their representative to meetings they are unable to attend. SBVP也是内阁成员之一.

学生会主席职位出现空缺时, 学生会副主席为学生会主席. 

The 学生会副主席 is amongst the only three positions to be elected by the entire Student Body, alongside the Student Body President and the University Student Board Representative. 

学生会副主席... be a spokesperson for the Student Body in conjunction with the 学生会主席. ~学生会章程


Senate Officers

Maggie Keenan


Senate Speaker

The Speaker of the Student Senate is the sole spokesperson and leader of the internal structure of the Student Senate. The Speaker oversees and appoints the Officers of the Student Senate, and sits on the 学生活动费用委员会执行委员会.  他们主持学生会的所有会议, and are also the chairperson of the Election Committee and the SAFC Appeals Boad. They are ex-officio members of all councils and committees of the Student Senate, and work to convey resolutions passed by the Student Senate to the Administration or other interested parties.

由于这样一个职位的重要性和不偏不倚的需要, 学生参议院的事务要求议长在很大程度上是无党派的. 

Adam Dapolite

Adam Dapolite大头照


The Parliamentarian is the leading figure on the 管理文档 of the Student Senate, 包括《澳门葡京网赌游戏》中的议会程序. 国会议员常被视为议长的副手, filling in for them in their absence and chairing meetings of the Student Senate when they are unable to do so. The Parliamentarian assists the Speaker in running the internal functions of Student Senate.

由于这样一个职位的重要性和不偏不倚的需要, the Parliamentarian is required to be largely non-partisan in Student Senate business. 

Caroline Butler


Executive Officer

行政主任(前0)负责维护学生会的成员名册, and ensures that all members of the body meet the necessary qualifications to remain in office. The Ex-O determines the number of Student Senator seats per constituency for each session and works to fill vacant positions within the Student Senate. The Executive Officer also organizes the annual Fall Orientation for members of the Student Senate.

由于这样一个职位的重要性和不偏不倚的需要, the Executive Officer is required to be largely non-partisan in Student Senate business.

Hayley Oliver



The 公共关系总监 (DPR) is the chief outreach officer of the Student Senate, 并负责宣传, merchandising, online presence, and social media. They are also largely responsible for organizing voter outreach during elections, and, 连同执行干事一起, 填补学生委员会的职位空缺.

由于这样一个职位的重要性和不偏不倚的需要, the 公共关系总监 is required to be largely non-partisan in Student Senate business.


Nicholas Roscoe


Business Manager

The Business Manager of the Student Senate is the head of the finances of the Student Senate, 并代表了身体的内部结构 学生活动费用委员会(SAFC). The Business Manager is charged with ensuring the proper disposal of Student Senate's budget and submits a proposed budget to SAFC on behalf of the Student Senate every fiscal year.

由于这样一个职位的重要性和不偏不倚的需要, the Business Manager is required to be largely non-partisan in Student Senate business.

Killian Franklin



The Historian of the Student Senate is responsible for writing and maintaining the minutes of Student Senate meetings, and the 学生活动费用委员会会议记录. The Historian also acts as a resource for historical knowledge and insight for past sessions of the Student Senate and works closely with the University Archivist to maintain its historical records.

由于这样一个职位的重要性和不偏不倚的需要, 《澳门葡京网赌游戏》被要求在学生议会事务中基本保持无党派立场.



The 澳门葡京网赌游戏系统 新罕布什尔公立大学的中心网络是什么. Every school in the System is afforded two student delegates to represent the student bodies at each school to the USNH董事会. The undergraduate USNH董事会代表 for UNH is a member of the Student Senate, 并由两名顾问协助, 谁协助他们代表联合国大学的学生参加校董会.

Patrick Moore



The USNH董事会代表 for undergraduate UNH students is the student body's primary voice to the 澳门葡京网赌游戏系统.

每个USNH学校(基恩州立学院), 花岗岩州立大学, 普利茅斯州立大学, and the 澳门葡京网赌游戏) is afforded two student delegates to represent the student bodies at each school to the USNH董事会 and is elected every year concurrently with each school's 学生会主席. 每两年轮换一次, 每所学校的学生代表成为正式的学生理事, 享有与任何其他受托人相同的特权及投票权. The undergraduate USNH董事会代表 for UNH is a member of the Student Senate, 并由两名顾问协助, 谁协助他们代表联合国大学的学生参加校董会.

Michael DiSisto 

senate logo


The Senior Financial Advisor is the USNH董事会代表's primary advisor on matters of student tuition and mandatory fees. 高级财务顾问 assists the USNH董事会代表 in carrying out the duties of their office and helps them to organize initiatives and proposals to manage increases in student tuition and changes to mandatory fees. 高级财务顾问 is the chairperson of the Financial Affairs Committee (FAC) of the Student Senate. 高级财务顾问, assisted by FAC, annually reviews changes in mandatory fees on the student body and submit these changes to the Student Senate for its approval or disapproval, 然后交给 USNH董事会 作为UNH本科学生团体的官方意见.

高级财务顾问由USNH董事会代表任命, 并且必须得到学生会的建议和同意.